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How many species of Hardy Geraniums are there?

Geranium, also known as cranesbill, is a genus of over 400 species of annual, biennial, and perennial plants. Within this genus, there are several species that are considered to be hardy, meaning they can withstand cold temperatures and are well-suited for use in gardens.

2024-01-10T16:41:14+01:00 January 22nd, 2023|Geraniums|

Native vs non-native Geraniums

I’m sure you all know that not all plants that we grow here in the UK originated here. People known as Plant Hunters have been bringing plants back to the UK for hundreds of years, reaching a peak in Victorian times. Those plants that do not originate here, plants that have been brought back from other countries are classed as non-native and can become invasive.

2024-01-10T16:19:33+01:00 July 24th, 2020|Geraniums|