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Geraniums for Bees

I really love watching the bees at work around the nursery and will frequently find myself helping them out of the tunnels with my trusty butterfly net or finding a food source for one that has become weary. I was especially pleased to discover that a hive of bumble bees has set up home in an abandoned rabbit burrow in the hedgerow at the nursery.

2024-01-10T15:55:12+01:00 August 4th, 2019|Pollinators|

Xylella fastidiosa

You probably recall the occurrence of Ash dieback disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus), which also originated on the continent and became present in the UK after infected tree stocks were imported. Over the last year or so you may have heard about a disease spreading throughout the continent called Xylella or Xylella fastidiosa to give it its name in full, unfortunately there is again a real risk to plants here in the UK of being under attack from a foreign disease. Fortunately, governing bodies such as DEFRA and the APHA, Animal and Plant Health Agency, are ahead of the curve on this threat and are working hard to prevent this disease entering the UK by introducing stringent controls.

2023-08-22T18:11:52+01:00 August 6th, 2019|Pest and Disease|

White flowered Geraniums

Unlike the blues, pinks and purples the white geraniums don’t come in different shades, they’re generally, simply and purely white. They can have broad petals or narrow petals or rounded petals and some may have a lacework of veins across them, but they don’t come in different shades. You may find some white varieties will turn pink as they mature or go over but they are in essence white.

2023-08-22T18:18:35+01:00 August 6th, 2019|Colour|