Happy New Year!
Plant sales will resume mid-February. Please join Waitlists to be notified when your favourite geraniums are available to buy.
Happy New Year!
Plant sales will resume mid-February. Please join Waitlists to be notified when your favourite geraniums are available to buy.
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What is PBR?

2022-08-21T11:49:56+01:00 March 13th, 2020|

PBR (Plant Breeders Rights)

In short, this means the plant is licensed to the original breeder of a cultivar. When the plant is sold, a royalty is paid back to the plant breeder, much like that of a singer when their song is played on the radio. This explains why some varieties seem so much more expensive than others. You are entitled to divide and replant a PBR plant that you have in your garden, but you are prohibited from selling and profiting from those divisions.